Short break services

Short break services

Children and young people with a disability can access targeted short breaks and overnight short breaks. As part of the targeted short break offer families can also source their own support through direct payments. Across Cumberland and Westmore we have two registered short break services, which each offer 35 to 40 young people aged 8 to 17 overnight shorts break in the registered short break homes. As with children’s homes nationally, the overnight short break homes have struggled to reach 75% occupancy levels due to the increased complexity of some young people and the ability to match young people with others during their stays. Whilst this is not unique to Cumberland and certainly something which was highlighted in Ofsted’s last review on ‘How local authorities plan for sufficiency of accommodation that meets the needs of children in care and care leavers - Published 18 November 2022 it is a challenge. 

Parents and providers have told us that there is more we can do by working differently to support children and young people and that whilst the services provide a good enough offer, we have scope to improve this by reviewing the overall offer. 

A short break transformation project group has been established to drive a review of targeted and over night short breaks. The scope of the project, is to: 

  • implement the 2024 to 2025 offer subject to a full review in readiness for 2025 onwards
  • review the offer, accessibility and achieve best value in relation to scope and attendance
  • work with providers to focus delivery of service and expand market opportunities across the private and voluntary sector

Further develop information regarding the local offer and end user satisfaction with the way in which bookings and communications are delivered.
