VisionWe will provide an effective and efficient library service, in the context of the available resources, to all the people of Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness.
We will specifically endeavour to target the vulnerable members of society through the provision of our specialist resources and our expertise in community engagement.
The provision of up to date, relevant and attractive stock is a key building block in achieving our vision.
The stock policy supports our ambitions and provides an objective framework for the management of stock in libraries, in order to:
- create a sustainable resource for the future
- promote reading, learning and the latest information technology to everybody in Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness
- celebrate Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness’s unique culture and heritage
Within the limitations of our budget we aim to stock the widest possible choice of resources, in the most appropriate format and in sufficient quantity, for all members of the community, without prejudice, and to offer unbiased access to books, information and creative works of imagination.