Whole class music technology

Whole class music technology

Discover the world of music with composition as a focus - a six week Class Club/Disco. (5 weeks of focus on composition using Garageband plus final sixth week class disco where the students DJ/perform their pieces to each other).

Use music technology in innovative ways in the classrooom to create music digitally - sourcing and recording sound, learning about sound  manipulation, composition and music production using standard IT equipment available in your school.  

Delivery details 

Lesson length: one hour 

Weekly for six sessions 

Group Size: one class  



Key features  

Flexible: Our tutors can work with you to create a project that suits your group needs and technology.  

Creating Music: Compose, record and collate sound, and produce the recorded field samples as a composition.  

CPD: Teachers can learn about Music Tech with their class, or sign up for online CPD.  Inclusive: Whole Class teaching ensures that every child is included.  

You will need to provide IT equipment including basic recording devices, computers or  tablets, and download free music tech programmes.  

A member of your school staff is needed to support the delivery of the programme -  with the opportunity to develop their own skills.  

Suitable for: KS2/Alternative Provision.
