Special School Overview
Special School OverviewThere are currently three special schools operating from five sites across Cumberland providing specialist places for children and young people with SEND.
Two of the current special schools operate from split sites. This assists in increasing the geographical spread of the specialist places within special schools across Cumberland.
Refer to map on page 43.
Special schools delivering specialist places across Cumberland
Refer to the table on page 44.
The data above shows that there are 506 commissioned specialist places within special schools across Cumberland.
The three most prevalent primary needs for children and young people (aged 0-25) with an EHCP and a placement within a Special School are as follows in order of prevalence:
- Communication and Interaction needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
- Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD).
- Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).
The three most prevalent primary needs for children and young people of statutory school age with an EHCP and a placement within a special school are as follows in order of prevalence:
- communication and interaction needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
- Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).
- Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD).
Occupancy of the current provision
Refer to the chart on page 45 which illustrates the high occupancy levels of all the special schools within Cumberland, the total occupancy overall stands at 103%.
Despite the commissioning of additional places at two of the special schools in 2022 to 2023, the occupancy level remains high at 103%. This is putting an enormous amount of pressure on our special schools presently.
With the data illustrating that the number of children and young people with EHCPs continues to increase year on year, it is clear that further additional places are required within special schools in Cumberland across all age groups.
The local authority will be working with our local special schools going forward in order to find effective solutions to relieve the current pressures that are being faced.