

As corporate parents to all of our cared for children and care experienced young people in Cumberland, we want to make sure that you have all the information and support you need to help you:

  • move from being cared for to care experienced
  • progress to more independent living

We know it can be both an exciting and uncertain time for you, with lots of different things to think about. This guide will outline what help and support is available to you.

The transition from being cared for to care experienced, independence and adulthood can be a challenging time. You will face many changes and will need to make decisions about your future. We are here to support and help you with these.

We have worked with our partners, both in the council and from the public and voluntary sectors, to provide:

  • a range of services
  • information
  • advice
  • guidance
  • support

If there is anything you do not understand or you have any questions, you can always speak to:

  • your social worker
  • your personal adviser
  • the Cared For and Care Experienced Team Manager

About the Local Offer

About the Local Offer

The Local Offer has been put together with the help of local cared for children and care experienced young people. It includes all the things that you are entitled to as well as contact details of other agencies or groups that can offer you additional advice, support and information.

As your Corporate Parents we have a duty of care for you, and as any good parent, we want to equip you with the skills you need to develop as you progress towards adulthood and independence.

The Children and Social Work Act 2017

By law, we must provide cared experienced young people (care leavers) with:

  • services under the Children Act 1989
  • support and assistance in preparing for adulthood and independent living

These services include:

  • accommodation
  • health and wellbeing
  • relationships
  • education, training and employment
  • participation in society

The Local Offer support

The Local Offer support

To get the support set out in the Local Offer, you must have been cared for:

  • at least 13 weeks between the ages of 14 and 18
  • at least 24 hours when you were aged 16 or 17

If you have been cared for, less than 13 weeks, but at least 24 hours aged 16 or 17, you are deemed a 'Qualifying Young Person' and parts of the Local Offer can apply depending on an assessment of need.

Care experienced (leaving care) categories and status

The definitions and categories of cared for children and care experience young people can be complex and confusing.

Depending on your circumstances and the time you spent being cared for, there are 4 different groups of young people who are cared for or care experienced.


You are an eligible young person if you:

  • are aged 16 or 17 and are currently cared for
  • have been cared for over a period of 13 weeks (or separate episodes which add up to 13 weeks) since your 14th birthday
  • have been cared for at least one day whilst you were 16 or 17 years old


You are a relevant young person if you are:

  • no longer cared for but have been eligible
  • 16 or 17 years old

Young people who were cared for over 13 weeks aged 14 or 15 and were detained become relevant on reaching age 16.

Some young people aged 16 or 17 who are detained in hospital or custody may also be relevant but may not have been eligible.

Former relevant

You are a former relevant young person if:

  • you are aged 18 to 25 years old
  • immediately before you reached 18 you were an eligible or a relevant young person


You are a qualifying young person if you:

  • are aged 16 to 21 years old (or up to 25 if requesting support for education)
  • were cared for over a short time on or after your 16th birthday
  • were cared for and then became subject to a Special Guardianship Order

Young people who were cared for and then moved to a Special Guardianship Order become a qualifying young person at 16.

You can talk to your social worker or personal adviser about the different definitions and categories.
