Financial support
Financial supportThe support you can get will depend on your age and circumstances.
We want to make sure you have the right financial support available as you move into adulthood in order to make this a positive and successful time for you.
Your Personal Adviser can explain the support we provide.
Talk to your personal adviser
Your personal adviser can offer you support to help you prepare and plan your care pathway. They will make sure everything is captured in your pathway plan, making sure everyone is clear about what’s on offer.
A pathway plan is a document that helps you prepare for ceasing to be cared for or other situations by outlining your needs, goals, and the support they will receive. It is really important you keep it up to date.
Who provides your allowances
The initial allowances listed are provided to 16 and 17 year old young people living in semi-independent accommodation.
Where young people are living in foster care, a home or school setting the allowances will be provided via that setting and carer.
Some of the allowances are based on:
- what activities you are doing
- what education, training, apprenticeship, or employment you are undertaking
- your age
- an assessment of need
It is important to talk to your social worker or personal adviser to clarify what is relevant to you.
Financial support and assistance for 16 and 17 year olds
Financial support and assistance for 16 and 17 year oldsCare leavers support (16 to 17)
We will always help you financially by:
- providing information about money management support and financial advice
- supporting you to get your National Insurance Number
- providing information on how to access your Junior ISA or Child Trust Fund
- supporting you to meet any religious, faith or cultural needs when you are aged 16 and 17
We will support you to get important identification documents, such as:
- birth certificate
- passport (we will also support you to renew your passport so that you have a valid passport at least until age 25)
- citizenship card (if needed as a form of ID)
If you are eligible for the introduction to driving package, we will help you to obtain a provisional driving licence.
We will also provide financial support and crisis support in exceptional circumstances and in emergencies subject to assessing what you need.
Hobbies and leisure
We provide support for you to undertake hobbies and leisure activities when you are 16 and 17.
We will help you to get a ‘Better Leisure Pass’ and provide up to £10 per week to support activities you would like to do.
If you are living outside of Cumberland we will help you to get a local version of the ‘Better Leisure Pass'.
You can get a yearly life chances and social activity allowance of up to £130. This could enable you to take part in a sports or cultural activity or have a day out in London or Manchester (for example), your social worker will help you to organise the activity.
Clothing allowance and luggage
We can support you to get:
- an initial clothing allowance of up to £200 for young people who are newly cared for
- a clothing allowance that can be used weekly, monthly or six monthly to make sure you have enough warm and suitable clothing (£540 per year)
- at least two items of luggage so that when you go on holiday or move you have holdalls or suitcases
Driving lessons and test
We can provide an introduction to driving package of:
- a provisional driving licence
- two theory tests
- a theory test resource (booklet or app)
- 10 (one hour) driving lessons
- two practical driving tests
To qualify for the package, we will expect you to contribute to 10 lessons so that you have a set of at least 20 lessons, we will also require you to have no driving convictions.
The package can be used for a Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) programme if it is needed to help with education, training or employment.
Travel costs
We can offer support with:
- travel costs
- visiting family, former foster carers and people who are important to you
Your health and wellbeing
We will support with:
- any counselling, therapy or health needs
- items you may need if you go into hospital
- specific items to help you live independently, such as a light system door alarm if you have difficulty hearing
Education, training, employment and apprenticeships
We will support you to:
- make sure you have internet access and access to a Smart Phone or laptop
- access the young person’s 16 to 19 bursary (if you do not qualify for the bursary but are doing full time training or study, we will provide the equivalent incentive)
- access the apprenticeship bursary (£3000 and £1000 equipment provided by the apprenticeship provider)
We support you with education, training, employment and apprenticeship activities such as:
- up to £50 for stationery
- up to £75 for educational visits (up to £150 if including overnight visits)
- up to £100 for books, equipment and IT equipment
- a prom allowance of £200 so that you can take part in a school prom
All young people entering a level two course or about will have access to a laptop, notepad or computer of up to £800 (£960 if Cumberland purchase the computer and can reclaim VAT).
Financial support and assistance for 18 to 25 year olds
Financial support and assistance for 18 to 25 year oldsCare experienced support (18 to 25 year olds)
We will support to get important identification documents, such as a:
- birth certificate
- passport (we will also support you to renew your passport so that you have a valid passport at least until age 25)
- if you are eligible for the introduction to driving package, we will help you to obtain a provisional driving license
- a citizenship card if needed as a form of ID
We will provide information on how to access your Junior ISA or Child Trust Fund at age 18.
Accommodation costs
We can help by:
- providing a deposit and rent in advance if you need private rented accommodation up to the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates for the specified area and in circumstances where social housing isn’t available or appropriate
- acting as a guarantor where this is required, to act as a guarantor we would need to check any liability issues for both you and the local authority and ensure any liability is assessed, approved and managed
- acting as a guarantor for university accommodation, if required
Setting up home allowance
We will provide support when you move in to semi-independent accommodation or independent accommodation via a ‘Setting Up Home Allowance’ (SUHA) of up to £3499.50 (2024/2025), this can be accessed in stages and between the ages of 16 and 25 and includes:
- up to £169.50 for your first TV licence
- up to £110 to make sure your cooker and electrical equipment is fitted by an approved person
- up to £110 for your first years contents insurance
- up to £110 to cover removal costs
- up to £3000 for equipment in your home
We will support you to spend the SUHA in stages, so that you have most of it available when you move into unfurnished accommodation.
We will also support you with a contribution towards bills and the cost-of-living of £180 over six months when you move into independent living (for the first winter you are responsible for your own bills).
Council tax
You will get 100% discount on your council tax bill.
The discount will be applied after any other discounts such as sole occupier discount have been applied. Where there is shared liability for the council tax due, the discount will cover the share that the care experienced young person is liable for. Your council tax liability (after helping to apply for any council tax support) will be paid on a quarterly basis until your 25th birthday. Your PA will support you with this.
Driving lessons and test
If you're aged between 17 and 21, then we can provide an introduction to driving package of:
- a provisional driving licence
- two theory tests
- a theory test resource (booklet or app)
- 10 (one hour) driving lessons
- two practical driving tests
To qualify for the package we will expect you to contribute to 10 lessons so that you have a set of at least 20 lessons, we will also require you to have no driving convictions.
The package can be used for a Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) programme if it is needed to help with education, training or employment.
Education, training, employment and apprenticeships
We can support with education, training, employment and apprenticeship activities including:
- up to £50 for stationery
- up to £75 for educational visits (up to £150.00 if including overnight visits)
- up to £100 for books, equipment and IT equipment
- all young people entering a level two course or about will have access to a laptop, notepad or computer of up to £800 (£960 if Cumberland purchase the computer and can reclaim VAT)
- a prom allowance of £200 so that you can take part in a school prom
We will support you to access the apprenticeship bursary (£3000 and £1000 equipment provided by the apprenticeship provider).
Attending university
If you want to attend university we will provide approximately £5,500 per year depending on accommodation costs including:
- up to £50 for stationery
- up to £75 for educational visits (up to £150 if including overnight visits)
- up to £100 for books, equipment and IT equipment
- a laptop, notepad or computer of up to £800 (£960 if Cumberland Council purchase the computer and can reclaim VAT), if not accessed previously
- a £2000 Higher Education bursary spread across the whole course (three or four years)
- the cost of three return visits to university and your home area
- a £71.70 per week living allowance
- a vacation accommodation allowance – equivalent to the one bedroom local housing allowance rate for the university area or university accommodation (22 weeks)
- support to cover the UCAS application
- a graduation ceremony grant of £300
- a graduation grant of £500 to help with the transition from university
Postgraduate studies
If you want to undertake post graduate studies we will provide approximately £5,500 per year which includes:
- a postgraduate stationery, books, equipment and IT equipment grant of up to £225
- a postgraduate living and accommodation grant of £90 per week
- a graduation ceremony grant of £300
- a graduation grant of £500 to help with the transition from university
Open university courses
If you want to undertake an open university course we will provide:
- an initial stationery, books, equipment and IT equipment grant of up to £225 and then provide two further stationary, books, equipment and IT equipment grants on completion of each 120 credits/modules
- a Higher Education bursary of £2000 over the length of the course made up of 9 payments of £222.22 each, the second and subsequent part being released on completion of 40 credits
- on completion of the course a graduation ceremony grant of £300
- a graduation grant of £500
Your social worker, personal adviser or carer will explain the detail of the allowances to you and will explain what may be required of you to access the support.
We will also provide financial support and crisis support in exceptional circumstances and in emergencies subject to assessing what you need.
Universal Credit claims
Universal Credit claimsYou can claim for Universal Credit when you turn 18 years old.
If you are eligible for Universal Credit, you will receive your first payment in five week. During this time, you will still receive your maintenance allowance so you don't have to take a Universal Credit Advance (which you would have to repay).
Your Care Experienced Personal Adviser will support you to submit your Universal Credit claim and make sure claims are submitted at the earliest date and are processed quickly by the benefit agency. We have a protocol with the DWP to make sure claims for care experienced young people are processed quickly.
Issues with your claim
The Job Centre Plus offices in Cumbria have named work coaches for Care Experienced Young People who are familiar with the cared for and care experience process and can advise and assist you with any issues you face.
Job Centre Plus work coaches will always try to avoid benefit sanctions (for example where some Universal Credit is stopped) and can work with you and your Personal Advisers to prevent a sanction. However, if a sanction is unavoidable, we will try to make sure you receive support with basic living such as food, heating and travel costs.
Birthdays, festivals and Christmas gifts
Birthdays, festivals and Christmas giftsFestivals and Christmas gifts for ages 16 and 17
When you are aged 16 or 17 your allowance is £265.44.
Your social worker or personal adviser will purchase a gift or gifts for you using your festival allowance. You can also use some of the allowance for the cost of a celebration such as an activity, meal or cultural event.
If you are living in foster care or a home/school setting the allowance will be provided by your carer.
We will always buy festival and Christmas gifts for you rather than provide cash. The festival allowance can be used at a festival or cultural event appropriate to your faith or can be spread over several events.
Birthday, festivals and Christmas gifts (17th and 18th birthday)
On your 17th and 18th birthday your allowance will be £265.44.
Your social worker or personal adviser will purchase a gift or gifts for you using your birthday allowance, in addition up to 50% can be used to contribute towards the cost of a celebration - this could be an activity or meal with friends.
If you are living in foster care or a home/school setting the allowance will be provided by your carer. We will always buy birthday, festival and Christmas gifts for your rather than provide cash.
Festival and Christmas gifts (age 18 to 25)
You will receive the following as a gift:
- age 18 to 20 - £50
- age 21 to 25 - £25 if you are still in contact with your personal adviser
In addition, you will also receive a food hamper to the value of £25.
The Festival and Christmas gift allowance can be accessed at a festival or celebration of your choice.
Birthday gifts (19th to 25th birthday)
You will receive the following as a gift:
- 19th and 20th birthday - £50
- 21st birthday - £100
- 22nd to 25th birthday - £25 if you are still in contact with your personal adviser
If you live in a foster care or residential home setting, then you will get your 18th birthday gift through the relevant setting you are in.
Specialist support for 16 to 25 year olds
Specialist support for 16 to 25 year oldsIf needed, unaccompanied asylum seeking young people will receive additional support to help them keep in touch with family and friends and meet any specific cultural and health needs.
You may be eligible for all of the financial support listed in this section, however, the level of support will be based on an assessment of need carried out by a member of the care experienced team.
If you are remanded in custody
If you are remanded into custody and receive a custodial sentence you will receive pocket money and clothing support, this will be provided in discussion with the institution you are placed in to ensure it meets your needs.
If you are in hospital
If you are in hospital you will be supported with pocket money and a clothing allowance whilst your social worker or personal adviser helps to claim Universal Credit and any other benefits you are entitled to.