Request an assisted bin collection

If you are permanently or temporarily unable to place your bin out for collection, you could be eligible for an assisted bin collection.

Who can request an assisted collection

If you have ill health, infirmity or a disability you can request an assisted collection. The crew will collect waste and recycling from an agreed collection point, for example, front door, back door and outside garage.

The assessment is based on your capability to manage your bin safely.  Applications will only be approved if there is no other abled-bodied person over the age of 16 years living at the property. 

To complete this application, you will need to provide the following information:

  • name, address, and contact information for the applicant
  • names and ages of all persons residing at the property
  • reason for application
  • documentary evidence to support your application, if due to disability

How to make a request

Enter your postcode to show the areas you need to contact to request an assisted bin collection.