Planning and building control

Planning and building control regulations control what you can build.

Planning advice

When you need planning permission and why it is good to speak to us before you submit an application

Minerals and waste planning

If your development relates to quarries, mines, landfills and various other forms of waste in our area, you will need to apply for planning permission.

Building control

This service inspects building work to make sure it complies with current regulations and deals with demolition applications and dangerous structures.

Planning policy

Our strategic and development management policies that help guide development.

Planning Committee

Information on the Planning Committee, agendas, how to present your views, Committee Reports.


Planning information about listed buildings, houses in conservation areas, landscape assessments and the historic environment.

Environment and planning

Considerations for planning applications in relation to historic sites, waste related developments, flooding and local nature.

Trees and hedges

We protect trees if we think they are in imminent danger of being felled or damaged.

St Cuthbert's Garden Village

An ambitious proposal that could include the development of around 10,000 new homes, new employment opportunities, community facilities and a new Southern Link Road.

Nutrient Neutrality catchment areas

Advice from Natural England for areas in Cumberland that need to be considered for development plans or projects so they do not add to existing nutrient burdens within the catchment.