Your council

Find out about your council including meetings, agendas, councillors, committees, finances, job vacancies and consultations.

About your council

Find out about your council and view the council plan, management structure and our policies, plans and strategies.

Community Panels

Community Panels are a way of listening to our communities and directing investment where it is needed most.

Councillors and committees

Find out about your councillors, committee meeting dates and agendas, parish councils and the council constitution.

Have your say

Find out how to have your say; comment on consultations, sign petitions, send us a complaint and request information from the council.


Search and apply for jobs at Cumberland Council including schools jobs, apprenticeships and jobs in care.

Schemes of delegation

These detail how certain powers and functions are delegated by the Leader of the Council and chief officers.

Lord Lieutenant

The Lord Lieutenant is His Majesty The King's representative in Cumbria.

Website development

New website design for the unitary council. Project overview, improvements we have made, future work and how you can help us.


Find information on devolution and how it will work in Cumbria.