Budget Our current budget and budget information for previous years. Pay a sundry debt If you owe us money for an account other than Council Tax, Parking Fines or Business Rates, such as leases, rent, trade waste collection or over payment of benefit, this is called a sundry debt. Statement of accounts Our statement of accounts and statements for previous years. Cumberland Council fees and charges Our fees and charges have been set in line with the council's policy. VAT number Our VAT number 434 5476 85 National fraud initiative The National Fraud Initiative including cabinet office guidance, code of practice and legal powers. Insurance claims Our insurance arrangements and how to make a claim against us. Cumbria pension fund Monitor and manage your pension online. Cumberland Council spend over £250 Cumberland Council will publish all expenditure over £250 (excluding VAT) Trade Union facilities time 2023 to 2024 Information about employees who are Trade Union Officials - number of employees, time spent on Trade Union duties, pay bill.
Pay a sundry debt If you owe us money for an account other than Council Tax, Parking Fines or Business Rates, such as leases, rent, trade waste collection or over payment of benefit, this is called a sundry debt.
Cumberland Council fees and charges Our fees and charges have been set in line with the council's policy.
National fraud initiative The National Fraud Initiative including cabinet office guidance, code of practice and legal powers.
Cumberland Council spend over £250 Cumberland Council will publish all expenditure over £250 (excluding VAT)
Trade Union facilities time 2023 to 2024 Information about employees who are Trade Union Officials - number of employees, time spent on Trade Union duties, pay bill.