Employees in Cumberland Council
1,501 to 5,000 employees
Relevant union officials
Total number of employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period - 34
Full-time equivalent employee number - 29.44
Percentage of time spent on facility time
How many employees who were relevant union officials employed during the relevant period spent of their working hours on facility time.
0 percent - 24
1 percent to 50 percent - 3
51 percent to 99 percent - 0
100 percent - 7
Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time
Percentage of total pay bill spent on paying employees who were relevant union officials for facility time during the relevant period:
- total cost of facility time - £309,229.46
- total pay bill - £209,315,314.24
- percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time, calculated as (total cost of facility time divided total pay bill) x 100 - 0.15%
Paid trade union activities
Hours in total that union representatives spent on paid facility time during the period - 10,170 hours
Time spent on trade union activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours calculated as: (total hours spent on paid trade union activities by relevant union officials during the relevant period divided by total paid facility time hours) x 100 - 25