Trade Union facilities time 2023 to 2024

Information about employees who are Trade Union Officials - number of employees, time spent on Trade Union duties, pay bill.

Employees in Cumberland Council

1,501 to 5,000 employees

Relevant union officials

Total number of employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period - 34

Full-time equivalent employee number - 29.44

Percentage of time spent on facility time

How many employees who were relevant union officials employed during the relevant period spent of their working hours on facility time.

0 percent - 24

1 percent to 50 percent - 3

51 percent to 99 percent - 0

100 percent - 7

Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time

Percentage of total pay bill spent on paying employees who were relevant union officials for facility time during the relevant period:

  • total cost of facility time - £309,229.46
  • total pay bill - £209,315,314.24
  • percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time, calculated as (total cost of facility time divided total pay bill) x 100 - 0.15%

Paid trade union activities

Hours in total that union representatives spent on paid facility time during the period - 10,170 hours

Time spent on trade union activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours calculated as: (total hours spent on paid trade union activities by relevant union officials during the relevant period divided by total paid facility time hours) x 100 - 25