In April 2023 Cumbria County Council and six District level Authorities, were combined to form two Unitary Authorities, with the former Allerdale, Copeland and Carlisle areas forming one Authority (Cumberland), and Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland forming a second (Westmorland and Furness).
This BSIP will cover the Cumberland Council Area, but Cumbria is still being covered by a single Enhanced Partnership comprising of Cumberland Council, Westmorland and Furness Council and the county’s bus operators.
The Cumberland Council Plan's vision is that:
"a fresh approach is taken to the delivery of inclusive services that are shaped by Cumberland’s residents and communities. By enabling positive outcomes for health and wellbeing, prosperity, and the environment the potential of Cumberland’s people and area can be fulfilled”.
It is considered that having a fit for purpose public transport network is essential in order to help the council deliver its vision in the Council Plan. There are a number of key issues facing the bus network in Cumberland, namely;
- Strong bus and rail links exist, but gaps remain, especially before and after the normal core operating day.
- Limited inter-ticketing between bus and rail, making travel for areas not on the rail network appear complex, even when good bus services are available.
- Whilst the core network is reasonably well covered, providing services in less populated areas will be challenging, and demand responsive transport will be explored.
- Cumberland currently has no Zero Emission buses but will seek funding opportunities to help deliver them.
CTIP diagram showing strategic links in Cumbria
Please see the document for the CTIP diagram showing strategic links in Cumbria
In August 2023 Cumberland Council was awarded a grant of £464,743 from DfT as part of a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) plus programme. The grant is over a two-year period (with each tranche to be spent within 12 months) to target the actions that the Council and local operators believe will deliver the best overall outcomes, in growing long term patronage, revenues and maintaining service levels, whilst maintaining essential social and economic connectivity for local communities.
In addition, the grant may be used to ensure existing connections are maintained, increase the frequency on key corridors, increase the operating hours of some services, whilst reducing others, to reduce fares, or to introduce new local concessions to open up new markets and revenue.
On the 23rd October 2024 the Government also allocated £150 million (previously earmarked for HS2) towards enhancing bus services in the North (and Midlands). Cumberland Council will receive £1.54 million, which is in addition to the £464,743 received as part of the BSIP Plus programme from DfT.