What procurement involves
Procurement involves the purchasing of goods, works and services. Our procurement team work to create and award contracts that deliver value for money while maximising the social, economic and environmental outcomes for residents and communities in Cumberland.
To make sure our procurement activities are done in a fair and transparent way, we follow contract procedure rules, which have been adopted as part of the councils' constitution.
Social Value Toolkit
Social value is a Public Service Act and it refers to additional benefits generated by the authorities activities that go beyond financial value.
The social value toolkit outlines the commitment of the council to promote and prioritise social value in all its activities and procurement processes. The council recognises the importance of delivering positive social, economic, and environmental outcomes for the community it serves.
Types of procurement procedures
There are several types of procurement procedures, but the most common process used at Cumberland is 'Open', meaning any organisation can submit a tender.
The total value of the contract also determines the type of procedure that must be followed.
Total contract value of up to £2,000
Providers provide one oral quotation and also:
- confirm in writing where the quotation exceeds £500
- include a local supplier, if appropriate
The responsible officer must use a process which obtains best value for money.
Total contract value of £2,001 to £50,000
Two written quotations. Invitation to submit a quotation in writing to at least two candidates, Include local suppliers if appropriate.
Total contract value of £50,001 to £100,000
Three written quotations. Invitation to submit a quotation in writing to at least three candidates. Include at least two local suppliers if appropriate.
Total contract value exceeding £100,000
But below relevant procurement threshold - Written Tender. The tenders must be advertised on Contracts Finder and on the councils' e-tendering system.
Procurement threshold of £100,000 and above
Providers provide a written tender, which, depending on the value must be advertised on:
"Call offs" from relevant framework or collaborative agreement procurement from an approved list
Each Framework has its own rules so the rules for the procurement depends on the individual framework.
Framework agreements
Framework agreements are contracts which have already been advertised and tendered by another public body for other public bodies to use. Crown Commercial Services (CCS), Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO), Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) and Cumberland have many of their own.
Contract Register, Contract Pipeline details and spending by the council
Cumberland Council buys from external suppliers to provide a wide range of commercial opportunities.
Contact the Procurement Team
Business Transformation and Change
Cumberland Council
Cumbria House, 117 Botchergate
United Kingdom