What you need to be registered for

Find out what you need to register for including: animal feed, livestock keeper and keeping poultry.

If you are a farmer or keeper and transporter of livestock you will need to be registered for:

  • manufacturing animal feeds
  • marketing animal feeds
  • importing animal feeds
  • storing animal feeds
  • transporting animal feeds and grain
  • selling co-products of the food industry as feeds
  • carrying out on-farm mixing
  • feeding food-producing animals
  • growing crops to be used as animal feeds
  • carrying out other controlled activities

Apply for registration

To apply for registration you can either phone or email us.

Telephone: 01946 505005 

Email: trading.standards@cumberland.gov.uk

Registering as a livestock keeper

If you keep cattle, sheep, goats, or pigs, you must register with Rural Payments Agency Customer Registration to obtain a County Parish Holding number (CPH) for the land where the livestock will be kept.  This is the case, even if you keep only one or two animals as pets. 

Register as a livestock keeper (GOV.UK)

Keeping poultry

A commercial poultry premises with 50 or more birds, even if the premises is only stocked with 50 or more birds for part of the year, must be registered on the GB Poultry Register.  Other premises may be registered on a voluntary basis.

Register for keeping poultry (GOV.UK)