Cumberland Council budget explained

Where you money comes from and where it is spent in our budget.

Budget information

The below table reflects the budget as agreed by Cumberland Council in March 2025. The full budget report is available on the council website.

Where your money goes

DirectorateGross 2024 to 2025, £mNet 2024 to 2025, £mGross 2025 to 2026, £mNet 2025 to 2026, £m
Assistant Chief Executive3.1453.0673.7643.686
Business Transformation and Change  31.92523.59433.61026.383
Resources (1)156.52784.542134.00663.148
Place, Sustainable Growth and Transport 106.45368.285116.37962.308
Public Health and Communities20.5574.50321.5765.599
Adult Social Care and Housing 159.89573.607181.35588.695
Children and Family Wellbeing270.54772.147294.87077.252
Corporate budget for pay award, inflation and corporate contingency (1)  11.86411.864
Corporate/ cross cutting savings (2)(4.453)(4.453)(5.000)(5.000)
Transformation investments31.23031.23023.43923.439
Chief Executive 0.2330.2330.2410.241
Revenue Budget749.282329.713816.104357.614
Parish precept5.7355.7356.0206.020
Revenue budget-including parish precept755.017335.713822.124363.634
Less Council Tax from parish preceptna(5.735)na(6.020)
EFS to capitalise Transformation Investmentna31.230na23.439
Less: planned use of earmarked balances / general fund / EFSna(10.964)na(1.598)
Revenue Budget Requirementna319.014na332.578
  1. During 2024/25, the budget allowance for pay-award, inflation and corporate contingency was held centrally to be allocated to directorates / services during the year. During 2025/26 the allowance for inflation has been allocated to directorates from the start of the year – with only pay-award and corporate contingency being held centrally.
  2. Savings may be allocated to various directorates during the year, these have been held centrally until the final directorate allocations are agreed.
Income stream2023 to 2024, £m2024 to 2025, £m2025 to 2026, £m
General grants(55.589)(61.977)(56.610)
Collection fund surplus/(deficit) - council tax0.9300.353(0.767)
National Non Domestic Rates (NNDR) aka Business Rates Retention (BRR) funding(88.306)(92.504)(92.506)
Collection fund surplus/(deficit) - NNDR6.8073.5662.524
Less: planned use of earmarked balances - NNDR(2.515)(5.000)0.000
Council Tax requirement152.883163.452178.725


Item2023 to 20242024 to 20252025 to 2026, £m
Council Tax base88,328.6089,966.7993,697.66
Council Tax Band D for Cumberland Council (Council Tax requirement/council tax base)£1,730.84£1,816.80£1,907.46

Changes to Council Tax requirement

Item£mNet £m
Council Tax requirement 2024/25na163.452
New EPR fundingna(6.495)
Growth in Revenue Budget Requirementna13.564
Reduction in general grantsna5.367
Increase in Collection Fund deficits (net of earmarked balances)na2.838
Less increase in NNDR income (0.001)
Reduction in financingna1.707
Council Tax requirementna178.725