Request a carers assessment

The Care Act 2014 requires us to assess carers’ needs for support and then arranges support to meet these needs.

Being a carer can be challenging as well as demanding. The Care Act 2014 requires councils to assess carers’ needs for support and then arranges support to meet these needs.

We use carers’ assessments to give you a chance to tell us about your caring role and the impact this is having on you.

A carers assessment helps us understand what support a carer needs and if caring is having a significant impact on your wellbeing, what support can be provided.

The assessment is carried out by a trained member of staff and focuses on your health and wellbeing, looking after others, having time to yourself and the things you want to achieve. 

When you can ask for an assessment

If you provide or intend to provide care and support to someone aged 18 or over who lives in Cumberland and you appear to have a need for support to help you continue in your caring role, you should be offered a carers assessment by the council.

You can also request a carers assessment yourself, even if the person you care for does not want or has not had an assessment from us.

How to request an assessment

To request a carers assessment, contact the Adult Social Care via the Single Point of Access (SPA) team.

Telephone: 0300 373 3732


You can also contact your local carers organisation:

Carers organisations can provide you with an information pack containing information tailored to meet your needs. 

It may be useful to make a list of how caring affects your daily life including your work and social life and your relationships in preparation for your carers assessment.

Find more information about carers assessments on: