Services and specialisms
- Personal care
- Medication
- End of Life
- Dementia
- Palliative Care
- Cleaning
- Sitting Service (Block calls)
- Escort to appointments, shopping, trips out
Company background
We have been in operation now for two years. It is owned by Elizabeth Gilbert who was a trained nurse for 28 years, Registered Manager of a Residential Home in Devon for 10 years also a Registered Manager for Domiciliary Care Agency in Carlisle for 6 years before starting her own business and she is also the Registered Manager and Nominated Individual for the business. Her business partner is Carol Little who has been in care for 30 years and holds her Level 2 in Health and Social Care and is now completing her Level 3.
Our company ethos and values are to administer the best care to all our clients to ensure their personal preferences and to keep them in their own homes for as long as possible, keeping them safe and to live their lives as independently as possible, we and all the staff employed treat the clients with respect, compassion and dignity and treat them like a family member giving the care that we would expect our family members to receive.
Elizabeth Gilbert Registered Manager/ Nominated Individual and Owner.
Carol Little Level 2 in Health and Social Care Owner.
Tabitha Taylor Senior Carer Level 2 Administrator.
Kirsty Brown Moving and Handling Trainer Home carer Level 2.
All staff have their care certificate and are up to date with mandatory training.
“Palliative care nurse - Passed on compliments she had received regarding our service and from other Health Professionals and to advise us to keep doing what we are doing as we are doing a fantastic job and will continue to recommend us and looks forward to working with us again."
"Health Professional - Very impressed about the care, compassion and empathy given to clients and the trust shown from the client to the carer, the carers are well turned out and very competent in their knowledge."
"Family member - Clients family sent a message to say a great big thank you for looking after the client so well and to let us know that the client loved us all and couldn’t praise us enough for the care given."