All support is provided to meet the needs and interests of the people using the service. The centre has facilities for people to partake in a variety of sessions such as:
- performing arts workshops
- health and wellbeing sessions
- arts and craft workshops
- Makaton choir
- cooking and baking sessions amongst many others
Outreach service
We also have an outreach service which offers person-centred activities, with 1:1 support, within their local community, working with partner organisations and supporting people to access community facilities.
We give people the maximum level of independence, choice, and control in their life. We do this by communicating their preferences and choices in their preferred way and receive intensive support as required and build their confidence and decision-making skills, all to support an individual to reach their potential.
Examples of some of the activities include:
- Watchtree Wheelers and adapted bicycles
- swimming
- dance and exercise classes within the local community
- cinema and theatre trips
- walking and visits in the local area
Supported employment service
Our supported employment service supports people with a learning disability to access work placements whether they are paid or voluntary. We help people advocate for their needs as required in the work placement and can help to act as an intermediary between the person being supported, employer and carers. Work placements are with a variety of employers throughout the local area.
How to use this service
Get in touch with us by calling:
Telephone: 01228 510137
Annamarie Armstrong (Manager): 07771971041
Ann Pattinson (Assistant Manager): 07771971034
1st Floor, Broadacre House
Lowther Street
United Kingdom