We do a lot of work within the community at Garden Linx – most recently working alongside ‘Network Rail’ adopting Dalston Station and maintaining the platforms. We also working with ‘Grass Roots’ and ‘Cumbria in Bloom’ alongside maintaining the plants within Cumbria House.
Our annual plant and produce sales are always a great success which are open to the public. We have several greenhouses and an allotment nearby; we utilise these to grow our own fruit and vegetables which we use regularly during our healthy eating sessions.
Garden Linx regularly partake in our Day Services football team ‘DentonLinx’ who are part of the Learning Disability FA league and train alongside Carlisle United Disability Football.
How to use this service
Get in touch with us by calling:
Telephone: 01228 510137
Annamarie Armstrong (Manager): 07771971041
Ann Pattinson (Assistant Manager): 07771971034
Carlisle Cemetery
Richardson Street
United Kingdom