Food Cumberland – Food Insecurity Survey results

Our recent food insecurity survey received over 1,700 responses, providing detailed answers to questions surrounding the ability to afford and access food across Cumberland.

The survey results have provided an insight into some of the challenges faced by residents of Cumberland. Cumberland Council is committed to using the information to ensure targeted support is delivered to provide help to those who need it most. 

Some of the key data gathered highlighted that:

  • One third of the sample of respondents were deemed as food insecure;
  • 41% of households experiencing very low food security used a food bank;
  • 10.6% of the respondents had used a community food offer;
  • 82% of those not working due to long term sickness or disability experienced food insecurity;
  • Amongst people who have health conditions or disability that limit their daily activities, 57% reported to experience food insecurity.

Download the survey results