Get support with Better Health

Get support through Better Health for losing weight, drinking less alcohol, getting active, quitting smoking, your mental wellbeing and healthier families.

Better Health is a campaign from Office for Health and Disparities (OHID) to help change the way we live our lives. Making small changes can improve our health right away and double our chances of staying healthy as we get older. It's never too late to start. 

We're encouraging residents of Cumberland to get involved by:

  • moving more
  • eating well
  • drinking less
  • being smoke free
  • taking care of your mind

Get help from Better Health

Healthier Families

We're supporting Healthier Families in their latest drive to encourage families to 'make a swap when you next shop'. Just one or two everyday swaps can really make a difference to how much sugar your child is getting, whilst still keeping them happy.

Get help and advice from Healthier Families