Home adaptations and assistance proposed policy - Cumberland Home Improvement Agency

Cumberland Home Improvement Agency (CHIA) is a service provided by the Council to help people to adapt or repair their homes in order to live safely and well at home. CHIA can provide advice on how to get help and can support you to apply for funding and to have works carried out.

CHIA’s multi-skilled team assesses people’s needs and works with them to decide on the best solution for them and their household. CHIA allocates a named caseworker to be the applicant’s key point of contact throughout.

CHIA can act as an agent for you in:

  • preparing funding applications
  • designing works – drawing up technical specifications and plans
  • obtaining necessary approvals for works
  • liaising with contractors to oversee approved works

We can also provide advice and, if appropriate, refer you to other agencies who may be able to help you, depending on your circumstances.