Please complete all sections.
Please provide your email and telephone number as we may need these to contact you regarding your application.
If you are already employed by us then you must provide your employee number (as shown on your payslip). You must select the relevant response if you are working in the council but are paid through an agency.
Please state whether you consider yourself to be disabled under the Equality Act 2010. We are positive about employing disabled people and applicants with disabilities who meet the essential criteria for the post will automatically be invited for interview.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (ROA) applicants who have a criminal convictions do not need to declare these if they are 'spent' or not protected as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013). The amendments to the Exceptions Order 1975 (2013) provide that certain spent convictions and cautions are protected and are not subject to disclosure to employers and cannot be taken into account. However, protection under the ROA does not extend to those posts which require a Disclosure and Barring Service check of criminal records or barred lists. For example, a disclosure would be required for posts where there is contact with service users for example, Social Worker, Care Worker, Teacher.
Further information about Disclosure and Barring Service (
Document attachments
You can attach up to two additional documents containing details of your qualifications, employment history and supporting information only here. If you choose to do this your documents must provide the information as detailed in Sections two, three and four.
The size of each document must be less than 2MB.
Please ensure the filename of each document is not more than 75 characters long and includes your name and the Job Reference.
You must select the 'paperclip' icon to save each attachment one at a time. When the attachments are saved they will be shown on the Summary page.