All aboard the train planter

Maryport Train Links

Cumberland Council’s Community Rail Cumbria, Northern and The Maryporters have been working in partnership with the staff and apprentices at Gen2, who have designed and produced a wonderful bespoke train planter for the bi-directional platform at Maryport railway station.

The project was inspired by a train built by Tony Messenger, a trainer at Gen2 who sadly passed away. Welding & Fabrication Trainer/Assessor Simon Farrar set a challenge, as part of their course work, to a group of young apprentices (Steven Fiddler, Stephen Temple, Dylan Tuner, Tyler Harrel and Blake Miller) to design and build a bigger train to be used as a planter at the railway station. Over a number of months, Simon and the apprentices took this from an idea to the final build.

Station Adopters – “The Maryporters” engaged with the teachers and pupils from Netherall Secondary School, who assisted with the planting of flowers at the railway station, including the new train planter. With the support of Northern and ISS the train planter has now been installed and sits proudly on the platform for all to see.

The official launch took place on Tuesday 11 July, with representatives from Community Rail Cumbria, Northern, ISS and The Maryporters who were all present to witness the unveiling of a plaque dedicated to Tony. Following on from the success of this project, Cumberland Council’s Community Rail Cumbria are now in the process of working with Gen2 on ideas for a future project at Whitehaven railway station.


Warren Birch – Community Rail Partnership Officer, said:

“Working with Gen2 has provided a fantastic opportunity for both the apprentices and the world of rail, and a fitting tribute to Tony. The new links with Netherall Secondary School will hopefully see a newfound respect in the town for the railway station and surrounding areas, helping reduce anti-social behaviour.”