On the build up to another bank holiday, Cumberland Council is reminding residents how to access its services.
Some offices - including Carlisle’s Civic Centre and Cumbria House, Allerdale House in Workington, and Market Hall in Whitehaven - will be closed on Monday 28 August. Online services will be available via the council's website.
The main customer number (0300 373 3730) will close at 5pm on Friday 25 August and will reopen on Tuesday 29 August at 9am. There will be a recorded message advising of the closure period and out of hours contact numbers for Highways, Homelessness, and Adults and Children’s Social Care, should anyone be calling in an emergency.
Other opening times, out of hours arrangements, and relevant information, is as follows:
Household collections
Residents can check collection dates via our website.
Allerdale area - There will be no collections on Monday 28 August and refuse collections throughout the week will take place one day later than normal, including a Saturday collection for those normally collected on Friday.
Following the announcement that strike action has now ended, work is now underway to safely reintroduce all waste and recycling collection services in a phased approach over the coming weeks.
Kerbside collections of glass, cans and plastic will restart from Tuesday 29 August. Collections of other recycling (garden waste and paper/cardboard) will be reintroduced in a phased approach over the next few weeks. No collections of these materials will take place w/c 28 August.
Further details about the re-introduction of services for residents will be available online soon. Keep up to date with the latest updates on the Cumberland Council website.
Recycling bring sites are available for glass, cans, plastics, paper, and card. Sites continue to be serviced more regularly. Details of sites can be found on our recycling banks web page.
Carlisle and Copeland areas - There will be no changes to refuse and recycling collections during the bank holiday. Collections will take place on bank holiday Monday.
Household Waste Recycling Centres will be open as usual.
For opening times and locations visit our website.
The permit helpline is closed on bank holidays and weekends.
Cumberland Highways
The Highways Hotline (0300 373 3736) will be unavailable on Monday 28 August. Calls will be diverted to an answer phone service with emergency contact information. Residents can report problems relating to potholes, road damage, flooding, drainage, traffic lights, streetlights, pedestrian crossings, trees, vegetation, bollards, manhole covers and more via the council's website.
Health and Social Care
Residential and home care services operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Adult Social Care offices will be closed on Monday 28 August and will reopen the next day.
Contact the social care out of hours emergency service (01228 526690), 24-hours a day, for adult social care emergencies. Further information is available on our website.
Children's Services (for children's social care)
Children's services offices will be closed on Monday 28 August and will reopen the next day. The Emergency Duty Team (0333 240 1727) can be contacted 24 hours a day for children’s social care emergencies.
Archives, Libraries and Local Link offices
The Archive Centres (Carlisle and Whitehaven) and all libraries will be closed on Monday 28 August and will reopen the next day.
Registration Services
The Registration Service will be closed on Monday 28 August and will reopen the next day.
Trading Standards
Cumbria Trading Standards’ Consumer Direct helpline (08454 04 05 06) will be closed on Monday 28 August and will reopen the next day.