A Wellbeing and Information Centre in the heart of Carlisle continues to be open, Monday - Thursday between 10am and 4pm, and is planning some events to attract visitors.
Cumbrian third sector organisations and Cumberland Council joined together to create the centre which opened in March as part of stage one of this vital project.
The centre provides information to the public on what the third sector and other community groups in the area can offer. The centre is based in the former New Seasons shop at 53 Scotch Street, on the edge of The Lanes Shopping Centre, opposite Carlisle Tourist Information Centre.
Partners include iCan Health and Fitness CIC, Age UK Carlisle and Eden, Glenmore Trust, Cumbria Health on Call (CHoC) and Cumberland Council.
They are asking the public to pop in before the first stage of the project ends on Friday 26 May 2023.
“We have already helped over 110 people find services that they didn’t know were available to them.” Stated Julia Clifford CCO of iCan Health and Fitness CIC.
“We are hoping more of the community will come forward and have arranged some special events to encourage that.”
Deputy Leader of Cumberland Council, Cllr Lisa Brown, added:
“Health and wellbeing is at the heart of everything that we do and we will do all we can to support our communities. By working with partner agencies, we can target support to those in our communities most in need.”
On Thursday 27 April and Thursday 4 May there will be a service provided by HSBC at 2.30pm to raise awareness of potential scams. Also, Tullie House will be providing a Tullie On Tour exhibition on Thursday 18 May between 10am and 1pm.
CHoC have been providing physical health checks on a Monday and we now have Social Prescribers on a Wednesday to provide extra support.
Alison Ambrose, CEO of Age UK Carlisle and Eden stated:
“It is important for the community of Carlisle to come and visit us with their health and wellbeing needs. We realise there is not an easy answer to all issues facing our community, but this project is a great example of how we can work together to start making small changes.”
Stage 2 is planned for autumn, so watch this space!