Cumberland Council teams recently visited Carlisle Youth Zone to get feedback from their senior group of members about Carlisle.
Consultation events for the proposed plans for Devonshire Street and English Street in Carlisle have been ongoing since early June.
Cumberland Council has been actively seeking feedback from various stakeholders, including the younger generation. To engage with the youth in the community, the council has collaborated with Carlisle Youth Zone to ensure their voices are heard and considered in the decision-making process.
The schemes, funded by the UK Government’s Future High Street Fund and Town Deal Fund, aim to improve the space for the local community and businesses on Devonshire Street and English Street.
The proposed plans include more outdoor seating, street furniture, benches, cycle parking, trees, and plants. The projects aim to create a high quality, welcoming environment, with more spaces for people to walk and spend time sitting outdoors.
The members, aged 12-16, who visit Carlisle Youth Zone, met with members from Cumberland Council’s Capital Programme team and the Community Development team. They discussed their thoughts and ideas for the public realm improvements on English Street and Devonshire Street.
The consultation period has now concluded, marking the end of the deliberation phase for the proposals. However, if you require additional information about the project, please visit the Cumberland Council website, or email CarlisleProjects@cumberland.gov.uk.
Cumberland Councillor Denise Rollo, Executive Member for Sustainable, Resilient and Connected Places, said:
“The proposed plans for Devonshire Street and English Street have been designed to enhance the area and create a more vibrant and welcoming environment.
“During the visit to Carlisle Youth Zone, the young people had the opportunity to interact with the project team. The project team conducted a series of discussions and presentations to provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed plans.
“The young people from Carlisle Youth Zone were fantastic and gave us lots of feedback.
“Some thoughts that they shared with us were to plant more trees, have more activities for children aged 10-15, install more lampposts to see better at night, have more benches so that friends can meet and provide more cycle racks.
“We are grateful for the active participation and valuable feedback provided by the members of Carlisle Youth Zone regarding our plans. Their engagement has been commendable, and we sincerely appreciate their input. These suggestions will be carefully considered and incorporated into the full consultation process.”