Cumberland Council proudly organised and hosted a series of events to celebrate refugee week including an Annual Refugee Cricket Match, a baking competition and special dual language StoryTots session. The events brought together various partners, including the Cumbria Constabulary, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, and the West Cumbria Refugee Support Network (WCRSN), to create activities which promoted unity and fun.
The events for refugee families were organised by the Global Resettlement Team from Cumberland Council. Families attended who have resettled from a range of countries, including Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine, all coming together to participate.
Everyone had a fantastic evening during the cricket match, held on Wednesday 21 June at Whitehaven Cricket Club. The children had a brilliant time, experiencing healthy competition and everyone enjoyed getting to know more about all the services attending. The partnership with organisations such as the Cumbria Constabulary, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, and the WCRSN played a pivotal role in the success of the event and provided a great opportunity for them to introduce themselves and talk about the vital roles they play.
A baking competition was held on 20 June at Beacon Portal in Whitehaven with competitors invited to celebrate their culinary traditions. Prizes were awarded by a panel of judges who struggled to choose their favourites from the array of delicious treats entered. Salwa From Syria won 1st prize for ‘most effort’, Anna from Ukraine won 2nd prize for ‘best presentation’ and Dyanna from Syria won 3rd prise for ‘best taste’.
A triple language story was read in Arabic, Dari and English during a StoryTots session for pre-school children at Whitehaven library on 22 June. This event allowed children to meet, play and listen to a story while also helping to build their language skills and provide an opportunity for parents to make connections. It is hoped more of these sessions will be held in the future to continue to build on this fantastic work.
The team also held a charity bake sale in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Saturday 24 June at Tullie House’s secret garden, raising over £330. The event was open to the public, with sweet treats to try from around the world as well as plants and seeds donated by Tesco Rosehill and members of the public. Some of the children who have resettled from Syria proudly performed a short play about the impact of cancer on their lives, with the message that cancer affects everyone.
Cumberland Council Deputy Leader, Councillor Lisa Brown, said “Events like the Annual Refugee cricket match are essential in our efforts to build a strong and inclusive community. They help to break down barriers, foster mutual understanding, build knowledge, and create social connections, all while ensuring everyone has a great time. All of the events held to mark refugee week were well attended and support the council aims of creating a welcoming environment for all Cumberland residents.”