A CARLISLE property has been given a new lease of life thanks to Cumberland Council’s enforced sales policy.
The mid terraced house in central Carlisle has been unoccupied for five years.
The council stepped in when damp was spreading to adjacent homes, after many attempts were made to engage with the legal owner. Works in default were arranged under the Environmental Protection Act to limit any further damage.
This meant a sale could be enforced, as the cost of the works totalled more than £1,000, under the new council’s enforced sales policy.
Councillor Emma Williamson, Executive Member for Children and Family Wellbeing and Housing, said: "We’re delighted to announce our first house sale under our enforced sale policy.
“This policy not only gives us the chance to act when empty homes cause a nuisance and blight our communities, it allows us to bring a beloved family home of 50 years back to the market.
“Enforcement is a last resort, and many attempts were made to rectify the issues with the legal owner before the decision was made put the property up for auction.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our officers for their hard work and commitment to seeing this matter through.
“Cumberland Council is committed to bringing empty homes back into use and this is the first property of many we hope to bring back to life.”
Any profit made from the sale of the property, once any works in default and fees have been deducted, will go to the legal owner.
Alongside the council’s enforced sales policy, a grant of up to £3,000 is available to empty homeowners to help bring properties into in habitable state.
A validated VAT support letter can also be provided if the homeowner is eligible which reduces the VAT payable on some works from 20 per cent to 5 per cent if the property is empty for more than two years.
Empty homeowners can also be liable for increased council tax payments.
If you would like to report an empty home in your area, or you have an empty home and need advice, contact Cumberland Council’s empty homes officer on 0300 373 3730 or at EnvironmentalHealth@cumberland.gov.uk.