First meeting of the Executive for the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council

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The Executive for the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council has met for the first time as it begins the process of laying the foundations for the new council ahead of it starting to deliver local services from 1 April 2023.

At the meeting held in Carlisle on Wednesday 15 June, councillors received an update on the progress for local government reorganisation (LGR) in Cumbria from the Programme Director, Kim Rennie. This included an overview of work to date as well as confirmation of the Implementation Plan going forward, and the team set-up to deliver it.

As part of the process of reorganisation, Councillors also agreed the details of contracts and land disposals that the current district councils and county council can enter into only with the consent of the Executive of the Shadow Authority.

The Executive for the Shadow Authority is responsible for most of the day-to-day decisions. Ten councillors make up the Executive. They are:

  • Cllr Mark Fryer – Leader of the Council
  • Cllr Lisa Brown – Statutory Deputy Leader with responsibility for Governance and Enabling
  • Cllr Emma Williamson – Non-Statutory Deputy Leader with responsibility for Children and Families
  • Cllr Elaine Lynch – responsible for Education, Skills and Training
  • Cllr Denise Rollo – responsible for Environment and Highways
  • Cllr Bob Kelly – responsible for Policy and Performance
  • Cllr Chris Southward – responsible for Digital and Customer Services
  • Cllr Barbara Cannon – responsible for Finance and Assets
  • Cllr Martin Harris – responsible for Health and Adult Care
  • Cllr Anne Quilter – responsible for Heritage and Leisure

Cllr Mark Fryer, Leader of the Council, said: “Now that the Executive has been established, we are working together to build the foundations for the new Cumberland Council. I’m grateful for the support from my fellow Members and look forward to putting in place the plans for the future.

“We’re less than 10 months away from establishing the council and we’re grateful for the support of staff and the project team. Together we’ll make it happen.”

More details on the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council, including future meeting dates, can be found on the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council website.

There were 46 councillors elected onto the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council in May 2022. These councillors were elected for a five-year term of office, the first year on the Shadow Authority that will oversee the planning and preparation for the new unitary council, followed by four years on Cumberland Council, which will ‘go live’ in April 2023.

Cumberland Council will cover the area currently served by Carlisle City Council, Allerdale Borough Council, Copeland Borough Council and Cumbria County Council.

The existing county, borough and district councils continue to operate and deliver all current services until Vesting Day for the new authority on 1 April 2023.

On that date the Shadow Authority and its 46 councillors become the new Cumberland Council and it will take over responsibility for services. At that point the existing county, city, and borough councils will be dissolved.