For 25 years, Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland has offered free of charge respite care to patients and their families and carers in the local community. It is an important part of the service provided by the day night nursing team.
In the autumn of 2021 a telephone survey conducted in the local area that showed that out of 33 homes in the area, 19 provided overnight respite, and only one provided daytime support. This initial piece of work led to an independent researcher project commissioned by Hospice at Home, to look into the current provision of respite care for adults who are receiving palliative and end of life care. The project gathered patients and their families’ views and experiences of respite care.
The research showed that those who had benefited from respite care from Hospice at Home, had ‘overwhelmingly positive’ experiences, however for some, the respite care that had been provided was not enough. This was particularly the case for those who were physically and emotionally exhausted with the responsibility of caring. The research identified that overnight respite provision was especially valued. Spurred on by the research, work began to create a provision to fill this need within the community.
‘Regularly we meet families exhausted by from caring for their loved ones. They need more respite than we can provide. Lancarr room now means we are able to offer patients and their families the opportunity of a break, in a safe environment, cared for by staff whose ethos reflects that of our own’.
- Hospice at Home Nurse Team Leader, Julie Boothman.
The Lancarr room opened on 1 August 2023 and is situated within Park Lodge Care Home, Aspatria. Care will be carried out by the current care home staff while Hospice at Home staff will take referrals from local health care professionals. They will meet and assess individuals to make sure they meet the referral criteria. The project is supported by GP’s at Aspatria Surgery and Cumberland Council, and will be reviewed regularly throughout the year.
Cllr Martin Harris Cumberland Council’s Executive Member for Adult's and Community Health, said “The opening of the new community hospice respite bed within Park Lodge Care Home is a great example of collaboration to create a valuable resource for the benefit of the local community across North Cumbria. The teams will work hand in hand to provide personalised care and support during a difficult time, providing comfort and compassion for those being cared for and their families.”
Gillian Shepherd, Park Lodge Care Home manager said, “The team here feel privileged to host this service and support the important work of Hospice at Home. The room has a lovely homely feel and we hope it will provide a much needed restful break for anyone who needs it.”
Decoration of the room was possible with thanks of a community grant that was applied for by the Hospice at Home fundraising team, while their business partners were kind enough to provide a new 40-inch television that was supplied by Peter Tyson, and door sign from Ast Syns, Penrith.
It is hoped that patients with a palliative diagnosis are able to access the respite facilities for their own wellbeing and their carers.
‘For carers a break is time off from caring and a chance to do things they would like to do but can’t do while they are caring’
-Carers UK 2021