Cumberland Council's Annual Council was held on Wednesday 15 May in Carlisle’s Civic Centre.
At the meeting, the following appointments were made:
- Chair of the Council: Cllr Andrew Semple
- Deputy Chair of the Council: Cllr Linda Jones-Bulman
The Leader of the Council, Cllr Mark Fryer confirmed the names of the Deputy Leader(s) and Members of the Executive for 2024-25:
- Deputy Leader (Statutory) and Adults and Executive Member for Community Health, Cllr Lisa Brown
- Deputy Leader (Non-Statutory) Statutory Lead Member for Children's Services and Executive Member for Children’s Services, Family Wellbeing and Housing, Cllr Emma Williamson
- Executive Member for Cumberland Policy and Regulatory Services, Cllr Bob Kelly
- Executive Member for Digital Connectivity and Customer Focus, Cllr Chris Southward
- Executive Member for Financial Planning and Assets, Cllr Barbara Cannon
- Executive Member for Governance and Transformation, Cllr Marcus Campbell-Savours
- Executive Member for Lifelong Learning and Development, Cllr Elaine Lynch
- Executive Member for Sustainable, Resilient and Connected Places, Cllr Denise Rollo
- Executive Member for Vibrant and Healthy Places, Cllr Anne Quilter
The Chair of each committee is as follows:
- Chair of the Audit Committee, Cllr Lucy Patrick
- Chair of Standards and Governance Committee, Cllr Graham Minshaw
- Chair of Planning Committee, Cllr Anne Glendinning
- Chair of Licensing Committee, Cllr Mike Hawkins
- Chair of Regulatory Committee, Cllr Mike Hawkins
- Chair of Business and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Joseph Ghayouba
- Chair of Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Gillian Troughton
- Chair of People Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Jeanette Whalen
- Chair of Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Carni-McCarron Holmes
- Chair of Staffing Committee, Cllr Lisa Brown
- Chair of Harbour Committee, Cllr Jimmy Grisdale
- Chair of Joint Scrutiny (co-chair with Westmorland and Furness) Cllr Bill Pegram