A planning policy document that sets out how the former Copeland area of Cumbria could be developed in the future, has been adopted by Cumberland Council.
The Copeland Local Plan 2021-2039 has been developed over the past five years and already has undergone four main stages of public consultation between 2019 and 2022 before it was submitted to the Secretary of State for Public Examination.
During the Examination process the Inspector considered the Publications Draft Local Plan that was submitted by the Copeland Council and all representations/objections made in response to that Publication Draft Plan.
From this, and discussions at the public Hearings last year, the Inspector identified a number of changes (Main Modifications).
These formed part of a public consultation held earlier this earlier. The consultation focussed solely on the Inspector’s Main Modifications and changes to the Proposals Map and was the final stage of the Examination process.
Cllr Bob Kelly, Executive Member for Cumberland Planning Policy and Regulatory Services, said:
“The Copeland Local Plan is a very detailed and important document. It has been worked on for more than five years and during that time has undergone widespread consultation and has been scrutinised by a Planning Inspector. It sets out a series of clear polices which will support sustained growth within this area of Cumberland.”
The purpose of a Local Plan is to provide the overarching development strategy for the area, identifying suitable locations for new development and setting out the necessary standards and requirements for such development.
Local Plans cover a minimum period of 15 years. It helps to provide certainty to developers and communities and helps to bring investment into a place.
Work is also underway on a Cumberland Local Plan. Once in place, this will supersede the Copeland Local Plan, other district Local Plans and the Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan.