Join us at Town Deal pop up events

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Residents and businesses who want to know more about the Millom Town Deal are being encouraged to attend community drop-in events planned this summer and autumn.

The events will be held in different venues and times across Millom and Haverigg in the next few months.

The first two sessions are being held at the Millom Community Hub, Salthouse Road, Millom, LA18 5AB on:

  • Tuesday 17 September, 10am - 12pm.
  • Saturday 28 September, 9am - 11am.

David Savage, the Chair of Millom Town Deal Board, said:

The pop-up events, hosted by Town Deal Board Members, are focussed on answering residents questions.

“The events will be held at different venues, dates and times over next few months to give everyone an opportunity to come along and be in the know. We look forward to meeting you.”

At the events residents will get to hear the latest information on the Millom Town Deal as well as meeting Town Deal Board Members.

They can ask questions or get more information on each of the Town Deal projects:

  • Iron Line.
  • Activating Community Health.
  • Reactivating Heritage Buildings.
  • Connected Millom and Haverigg.

Millom Town Deal secured £20.6 million in November 2022 with an additional £8.7 million in match funding to help the town and its communities to thrive in the future.

Working with Cumberland Council, the external funding will be used to deliver the four projects.

Upcoming drop in events are also planned for Tuesday 15 October and Wednesday 23 October, venues and times to be confirmed.

In the meantime, the Millom Town Deal FAQs have been updated.