Whitehaven projects boosted

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From community gardens to a festival, the Whitehaven and Coastal Community Panel awarded a range of investments at its latest meeting.

The panel, made up of ward councillors, awards investment to community organisations:

  • Bransty Community Group were awarded £2,602 for wheelchair accessible picnic benches, planters and soil for a new community garden. The money will also fund new noticeboards. Chair of the group, Louise Nicholson, said: “This will allow us to make a good start on our Community Garden project. We really hope residents will enjoy using the accessible picnic benches, as well as getting involved in gardening activities. The new noticeboards will keep everyone better informed about things happening in the Bransty area.”


  • Distington Club for Young People was awarded £4,266 for furniture and materials to make cushions. Christine Pattinson, who runs the club, said: “Our young people are excited - they helped choose the items, and are looking forward to a more comfortable and welcoming club. The  application process was made easy with support from the Community Development team and I would encourage others to apply - this fund makes a real difference.”


  • Proud and Diverse Cumbria were awarded £4,000 towards staging the Colours Festival, and LGBTQ+ celebration event, in Whitehaven this August. Director Glenn Anderson said: "We are grateful for this investment. We are striving to deliver an amazing, inclusive weekend of fun and entertainment and the funding we receive means nobody is left out, as everything will be free to attend.”


  • Sandwith Village Group was given £1,562 for a new noticeboard and plants for community planting days. Group representative Andrea Dockeray said: “We are grateful for this funding, which will help us to make our village a nicer place to live, as well as helping wildlife and insects. We are really looking forward to our community planting days - we hope they'll help residents to get to know each other better too. We also really appreciate getting a new noticeboard, as we want everyone to know what is going on in the village.”


In total, the panel invested £12,430 into local projects at this meeting. All the projects support at least one of the panel’s priorities:  a local environment where individuals, households and communities can live well and thrive; Better health and wellbeing for all; Addressing inequalities through improved access to services and opportunities; A local economy that thrives and benefits everyone. 

Chair of the Whitehaven and Coastal Community Panel, Cllr Graham Minshaw, said: “It's been a pleasure to be able to back these projects. The panel felt each of them added something to community life for our residents. Whether it's an inclusive festival where everyone is welcome and celebrated, or simply a new noticeboard so people are aware of events and can get out and meet others - even seemingly small changes can have a large impact on our community life."

Lisa Brown, Cumberland's Executive Member for Adults and Community Health, said: "Community Panels and the projects they invest in continue to make our communities great places to live.

"We have incredibly hardworking and talented community groups, so to be able to invest in their ideas and empower them to do more is priceless.”

Cumberland Council has eight Community Panels, covering the entire council area. Community group representatives wishing to find out more about Community Panel investment should visit How to apply for investment from a Community Panel | Cumberland Council. Those interested are advised to seek advice from the community development officer for their area before making a formal application. Contact details are available at Community Panels | Cumberland Council.

The next deadline for investment applications to the Whitehaven and Coastal Community Panel is 4 November.

The Whitehaven and Coastal Panel covers the wards of Bransty, Egremont North and St Bees, Hillcrest and Hensingham, Howgate, Kells and Sandwith, and Mirehouse.