Another step forward for Connected Town, Cleator Moor

A forest

Improvement plans for Cleator Moor have moved forward with the submission of a planning application.

Connected Town, part of the Cleator Town Deal, encourages more walking and cycling in and around Cleator Moor, improving accessibility and also enhancing gateways into the town.

The project will better connect Cleator Moor to employment, education and health provision beyond the town, while also enhancing the perception and character of the town as an innovative and dynamic place to live, work and visit.

The project will also include improvements to: 

  • The B5295 from Mill Hill to its junction with Trumpet Road. 
  • The Town Square Frontage. 
  • Linkage between the Health Centre and the Activity Centre.
  • Access to the C2C from Cleator Moor. 
  • Leconfield Bridal Path.

More than 3.5km of walking and cycling routes will be enhanced as part of the project.

Cleator Moor Town Deal secured an award of £22.5m from the Government's Towns Fund. Connected Town is one of four projects that make up the Cleator Moor Town Deal which has been allocated £6million. 

Bob Metcalfe, Chair of the Cleator Moor Town Deal Board, said:

“Following engagement events with our community last year, we have drawn together a Connected Town project that will provide some great benefits for our local residents and businesses. The submission of planning approval is another important step forward for the Town Deal project.”

The full planning application, submitted to Cumberland Council, sets out the benefits of the project investment objectives which include:

  1. To promote clean growth and decarbonisation. There is also an opportunity to promote low carbon journeys, with short trips on foot or by bike, creating environmentally low impact clean growth journeys.  
  2. To promote active travel. Ability to capitalise on the town’s walkable catchment and flat landscape which lends itself to walking and cycling. This would see Cleator Moor’s town centre once again become a viable hub for both the local community and visitors.  
  3. Tackling poor health outcomes. Encouraging participation in active journeys, promoting a healthier lifestyle with increased physical activity.  
  4. Capitalise on existing assets. The Lake District National Park World Heritage Site, employment and services at Whitehaven and Sea to Sea cycling route are significant assets which could be better linked to Cleator Moor.  
  5. Strengthen the attractiveness of Cleator Moor. There is clear opportunity to strengthen perceptions of Cleator Moor by giving the town a better sense of place.  

Subject to planning approval, the works aim to start in autumn/winter 2025 and be completed in autumn/winter 2026.

For more information on the Cleator Moor Town Deal visit: