Cumberland Council is pleased to announce the launch of a public consultation on its proposed Home Adaptations and Assistance policy. The proposed policy aims to support residents across Cumberland to live well at home with the support and advice of a service helping to make their homes safe, warm, and accessible.
Before Local Government Reorganisation each district council was responsible for these services, with slightly different policies and approaches in each area. The proposals aim to harmonise the offer as well as proposing improvements to the way people interact with the service.
The policy outlines how Cumberland Council will offer support and includes three key proposals:
Establishing a Home Improvement Agency for Cumberland
A wider range of discretionary offers across Cumberland
The use of deferred payment loans (via a land charge) for some home-owners where costs exceed the mandatory Disabled facility grant level
Non Statutory Deputy Leader and Children's Services, Family Wellbeing and Housing Portfolio Holder, Cllr Emma Williamson, said:
“We are asking residents to share their views on the proposals for a new policy on Home Adaptations and Assistance. These services provide vital support to people across Cumberland, for example by helping people to get home safely from hospital or increase independence by making a home more accessible.
“Creating one service across Cumberland represents a real opportunity to improve the offer for people living here, such as providing a single case worker to be that single point of contact helping to navigate through the system. The proposals also include increased discretionary support for those who need it, to help make a difference quickly.”
The Home Adaptation and Assistance service offers advice on home adaptations, repairs, and improvements. It also provides support to residents to access grants and loans to fund necessary home modifications. Adaptations can include everything from disability access ramps to larger structural changes, helping to meet people's needs in their own homes. You can find out more about the current services and how you can access support on our website, Cumberland Council | Housing.
Cumberland Council invites all residents to participate in the consultation process and share their views on the proposed policy, the consultation closes on the 13 February 2025.
For more information on the consultation and to provide your input, please visit Cumberland Council's website, cumberland.gov.uk/HaveYourSay