Flying the flag for Taste Cumbria Wigton!

Taste Cumbria Flag

A fun creative competition has been launched to coincide with the first Taste Cumbria festival of 2025.

The event organisers want local people to design a celebration flag for Wigton – and the winners will see their design on show at Taste Cumbria Wigton on Saturday 26 April.

The aim is to showcase the best of Wigton, marking its heritage, community and unique character. The contest is open to everyone – artists, designers, or those who just love a creative challenge.

The finished flag will be flown over Taste Cumbria weekend, with a special prize of recognition awarded at the event itself.

The deadline for entries is Monday 31 March at 5pm. All entries should be sent on email (a photo of the design is fine) to or handed in at the main reception of the Market Hall in Wigton.

The Taste Cumbria events are organised by Cumberland Council and Councillor Anne Quilter, Executive Member for Vibrant and Healthy Places, said: “I can’t wait to see what our budding artists come up with in this competition. Will they choose Wigton’s lovely architecture and landmarks, or its interesting businesses and industries, or perhaps the activities held in the community? Perhaps they’ll go for something more abstract, or choose something from all of these ideas. 

“It’s a great town with loads going on – not least the Taste Cumbria festival – so it’s going to be great to see how they turn that into a new celebration flag. The deadline is fast approaching so please get creative!”

The only rules for the competition are that design must fill a sheet of A4 paper and be clearly visible on the image submitted. There are no age restrictions and team efforts are welcome. Make sure to include your name and contact details with your entry. A steering group made up of Wigton Town Councillors, youth groups, businesses, Taste team and Cumberland Councillors will decide the winner and the judges’ decision is final. By entering into this competition you agree to take part in festival publicity about the competition.

The winner will be contacted ahead of the Taste Wigton festival and their name will be announced to the public on the morning of the event Saturday 26 April.