Millom event focuses on food

South Cumberland Community Panel logo

Residents in the South Cumberland area are being asked to join in a conversation about food and health.

The South Cumberland Community Panel is hosting an event with a special focus on our local food networks – how food is grown, sold and consumed.

There will also be information from health providers and other agencies.

The event is at Millom Network Centre on Wednesday, 26 March, from 2pm until 3.30pm.

There will be other food and health-related organisations there to chat and share information.

Attendees will also be able to get expert guidance on how to use the NHS App, and Cumberland Council’s waste team will be there to answer questions about recycling and waste.

There will even be a chance to find out more about growing food in your community, and becoming a ‘master composter.’

There will be snacks and the event is open to everyone. If you are able, please let the community panel know you plan to attend so they can plan catering. Respond by email to or by text on 07551678454.

One of the South Cumberland Community Panel’s priorities is ‘health and wellbeing’. You can find out more about the panel here: South Cumberland Community Panel | Cumberland Council