Road improvements on the A597 Mossbay Road, Workington


Cumberland Council is carrying out proactive maintenance on the A597 Mossbay Road to prevent long-term deterioration and ensure safer, smoother travel for residents and businesses.

Following data scanning, cracking was detected in the road surface, which if left untreated risks further deterioration to the integrity of the highway. Addressing this now will help prevent repairs and disruption in the future. While the road closure may cause short-term inconvenience, the long-term benefits will be a more durable, resilient road.

These works, delivered by the council's surfacing contractor, DSD Construction Limited, will begin on Monday 17 March 2025, and is expected to take approximately 10 working days, subject to weather conditions.

Improvements include road network repairs, drainage repairs and a refresh of road markings. To complete these essential upgrades efficiently and safely, the project will be organised in phases, using a combination of temporary traffic lights and road closures (days and nights). The phases are as follows:

  • Phase 1 – Mossbay Road, from ASDA mini roundabout to Railbank Drive junction. The works will be under a formal road closure with access to ASDA available throughout phase 1 via Salterbeck Road.
  • Phase 2 – Mini roundabout involves a road closure and restricted working hours between 10.00pm and 6.00am.

Full access will be available for emergency service vehicles, pedestrians, and dismounted cyclists throughout the works. The council kindly asks residents to move their vehicles from the works area between 7.30am – 5.30pm during the first phase to allow the team to carry out the works as efficiently and safely as possible.

Updates about temporary bus stop relocations will be posted at affected stops. Passengers with bus route questions are encouraged to contact Stagecoach directly.

To keep the community informed and engaged, Cumberland Council held a drop-in session where residents and business owners could learn more about the project, ask questions, and meet the team managing the work. 

Cumberland Council recognises that the A597 is a key route, and some temporary inconvenience may occur during these works. The council is working closely with local stakeholders, including local members, to reduce disruption as much as possible.

Cumberland Council wishes to thank the community for their continued support and patience while they improve the road network and apologise for any inconvenience.

If you couldn’t attend the drop-in session and do have questions, you can visit Cumberland Council website, or contact Cumberland Council’s Highways Hotline on 0300 373 3736