Young people the focus of funding

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PROJECTS empowering young people were the focus of investment from Petteril Community Panel recently.

The panel, which includes Cumberland Council ward councillors and co-opted members, directs funding and support to grass roots projects addressing the particular needs of its communities.

At the most recent meeting, Spiral was award £3,000 towards Journey Together, which uses role-play games to help young people explore challenges such as healthy relationships and wellbeing. Themed games will allow people aged eight to 25 to experiment with social roles and decision-making without real-world risk. The project will be delivered in the Upperby, Currock and Botcherby areas.

Cumberland and Carlisle Community Arts Project received £2,701 towards four workshops where people in the Petteril area can experience acting in front of a camera. The Camera and Acting Experience project will be delivered in Harraby and Currock Community Centres, and some supermarkets, by local people with extensive industry experience.

Carlisle Youth Zone was awarded £15,000 towards a project to train young people to get involved with community research.

The Chair of Petteril Community Panel, and Cumberland’s Portfolio Holder for Adults and Community Health, Cllr Lisa Hinton, said: “Supporting young people is such a priority for our panel – this really is investing in the future. These are three very innovative projects that creatively tackle the challenges our young people face.”

The Petteril Community Panel covers the wards of Botcherby, Currock, Harraby South, Harraby North and Upperby.

The application deadline for the next round of Community Panel support for Petteril is 20 May. Find out more here: Petteril Community Panel | Cumberland Council  or email the panel at

Investment projects are chosen according to how they fit with the priorities of the panel, which were set in conjunction with the community. For the Petteril panel, those priorities are: 

  • Children and young people
  • Emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • The environment