Available parking
- General use: 93
- Disabled parking spaces
- Electric car charging
Charges per hour:
- up to 1 hour costs £1.20
- 1 to 2 hours costs £2
- 2 to 3 hours costs £2.80
- 3 to 4 hours costs £3.30
- 4 to 6 hours costs £5.40
All day (between 8am to 6pm hours each day) costs £10.70
Any 24 hour period costs £16
Payment options
You can pay by:
- cash
- contactless
- card
- using your mobile using the location number: 10081
If you need help paying by phone you can either call MiPermit or visit their website.
Telephone: 0345 520 7007
Website: MiPermit website
The Citadel
Bush Brow
United Kingdom
Opening times
Open all day Monday to Sunday including public and bank holidays.