Available parking
- General use: 64
- Electrical charging point
The following vehicles are not permitted to use this car park:
- heavy and light commercial vehicles
- coaches, caravans, motor caravans and campers parking is available in Castle Car Park
- minibus parking is available in Castle Car Park and Sands Car Park
Charges apply Monday to Sunday from 8.30am to 6pm.
Access to this car park is available 24 hours a day. No maximum stay.
Charges per hour:
- Up to 1 hour costs £1.50
- 1 to 2 hours costs £2.50
- 2 to 3 hours costs £3.10
- 3 to 4 hours costs £3.70
All day costs £5.90
Blue Badge holders
Maximum three hours free when displaying a valid Blue Badge and clock disc. Pay and display charges apply for stays over three hours.
Pay and display charges apply.
Payment options
You can pay by:
- contactless
- card Insertion
- Apple or Google Pay
- using your mobile using the location number: 712004
If you need help paying by phone you can either call MiPermit or visit their website.
Telephone: 0345 520 7007
Website: MiPermit website
Lowther Street
United Kingdom
Opening times
Monday to Sunday (including bank holidays and public holidays)