Udale Street short stay car park, Workington

Find details of the Udale Street car park, how much it costs and how to pay.

Available parking

  • General use: 35
  • Disabled parking spaces: 8


Charges per hour:

  • up to 1 hour costs £1.90
  • up to 1.5 hours costs £3.10
  • up to 2 hours (max.) costs £4.40

Overnight charge between 7pm to 7am the following day costs £1.10

Payment options

You can pay by:

  • cash
  • contactless
  • card
  • using your mobile using the location number: 712205

Pay for this car park online

If you need help paying by phone you can either call MiPermit or visit their website.

Telephone: 0345 520 7007
Website: MiPermit website


Udale Street Short Stay Car Park
5 Udale Street
CA14 3AL
United Kingdom


Wheelchair-accessible car park.

Opening times

Open Monday to Sunday.