Christmas and New Year information
Find out all the information you need about our services over the Christmas and New Year period. This includes our opening times, waste collection days, and how to contact us out of hours.
Proposed traffic regulation orders (legal changes to the rules of the road), apply for a temporary traffic regulation order, apply to close a road for an event.
Planned street works which can't take place under a lesser form of traffic management need to have a temporary traffic regulation order in place. Temporary orders are made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and once in place can be enforced.
Restrictions that can be introduced under a temporary order include:
Further information about temporary traffic regulation orders for planned street works, or because of the likelihood of danger (Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) can be found in the temporary traffic regulation order guidance notes (PDF 274KB).
Please note we require a minimum of 12 weeks notice for planned works and the works must have be discussed with the Streetworks Team in advance to submitting your application.
Should your application be in relation to an Event which is to take place on the Highway (Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984), please note we require 3 months notice for these applications.
If it is a new event please discuss this with the Traffic Management Team Leader for the area who will also support you with completing the application form.
If you need support with your application, or you are not able to make payment online you can request a paper application form from the Highways hotline.