Heysham Park

Heysham Park is an outdoor space which includes a playground for small children

Facilities and features

  • Play areas – two modern play areas suitable for children of all ages are located within the park, to the rear of Green Lane and, adjacent to Thomlinson Avenue
  • Multi Use Games Area – a floodlit all weather full size playing surface suitable for a variety of activities, located in Beck Field off Raffles Avenue
  • Kickaround – junior size goal posts are provided at Castlesteads Drive, the rear of Heysham Park Avenue and Thomlinson Avenue for informal ball games
  • There is a flat accessible path running thoughout the park, apart from the west section which is located behind Castlesteads Drive.

Heysham Park is divided into four themed areas, beginning at the edge of the City at the West:

  • The Country Park lies between the Western boundary of the city and Marks Avenue. Informal footpaths wind between areas of conservation grassland, the Parham Beck and historic field boundary hedges
  • The Play Park is located between Marks Avenue and Shadygrove Road. This area has been renovated and is characterised by avenues of trees and swathes of daffodils  
  • The Flower Park stretches from Shadygrove Road to Raffles Avenue and contains numerous significant trees and formal shrub beds
  • Beck Field lies at the Eastern end of the park, between Raffles Avenue and Mardale Road and consists of a large area of mown amenity grassland suitable for various recreational activities.

Report an issue

Let us know if there's:

  • fly-tipping
  • an issue with play equipment or the park in general
  • an overflowing bin

Call or use our online enquiry form.

Telephone: 01228 817200

Use our the online enquiry form

Dog fouling

It is a criminal offence not to clean up after your dog and you can be fined up to £1,000.

Report dog fouling


Heysham Park
United Kingdom