Search the Historic Environment Record

Find out more about the Historic Environment Record, including how to search it.

About the Historic Environment Record

The Historic Environment Record (HER) is a series of linked databases that hold information on known archaeological sites, finds, landscapes, buildings and other aspects of the historic environment. In addition, it contains information on past research and investigations.

There are currently over 17,000 data entries within the HER for the Westmorland and Furness and Cumberland local authority areas, excluding the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks.

The HER is continually updated with new information provided by professional archaeologists, historians, researchers, and through enhancement projects grant-aided by Historic England and other bodies.

What is included

The HER is a valuable source of information for anyone interested in the archaeology and history of Westmorland and Furness and Cumberland. Computerised details include site type, period, description of known history and condition, and sources of further information.

It is linked to a Geographical Information System (GIS) which can provide information from nineteenth century Ordnance Survey maps and digitised colour vertical air photographs. Alongside this computerised data there are many paper records including reports on surveys and excavations, plans, publications and a large collection of oblique monochrome aerial photographs.

A full list of the information we hold, and the services we offer, can be found in our information and services policy.

Opening hours

The HER is normally available for consultation every weekday (excluding bank holidays and for two weeks at Christmas and the New Year) between the hours of 10am and 5pm. As space is limited, an appointment must be arranged in advance of visiting.

Provision of searching services

The Environment Record does not currently have a full-time Historic Environment Records Officer, and unfortunately the resource to undertake searches is reduced. We apologise for any inconvenience that this might cause. The HER remains open for visitors, by appointment, as previously.

Search the HER online

A simplified version of the Historic Environment Record is available to search online. Under 'Select Map' choose 'Environment', then use the interactive map to look up sites at a particular location. By using the 'Query Map' button to the left of the map screen and clicking on a symbol, more information about the site will be revealed.

A spatial search can be undertaken by selecting the 'Spatial Search' button and then defining the search area on the map. Users of Internet Explorer may need to use this in compatibility mode to see the full screen.

Search the Historic Environment Record online

Please note that the Historic Environment Record online only contains the point data for the HER sites, and the name of the site. It does not show the known extents of the sites, or provide a detailed description.

The HER online does not contain the details of archaeological events, the Urban Archaeological Database, or Historic England mapping projects, which are available on the Historic England website.

The HER online does not contain information on scheduled monuments and listed buildings, which can be obtained from Historic England. The HER online was last updated on 24 January 2023. The sites are located with a precision of 10 metres.

Site terms used

For site type terms use the Historic England's thesaurus.

Site form includes:

  • Architectural Component
  • Circumstantial Evidence
  • Cropmark
  • Documentary Evidence
  • Earthwork
  • Find
  • Natural Feature
  • Other Structure
  • Place Name
  • Roofed Building
  • Ruined Building
  • Site of
  • Standing Monument

General period include:

  • Prehistoric
  • Roman
  • Early Medieval
  • Medieval
  • Post Medieval
  • Modern
  • Unknown

Specific period includes:

  • Palaeolithic
  • Mesolithic
  • Neolithic
  • Bronze Age
  • Iron Age
  • Romano British
  • Saxon/Anglian
  • Scandinavian
  • Norman
  • Georgian
  • Victorian
  • 20th Century
  • Unknown


In agreement with the release of data from the Portable Antiquities Scheme, Findspots are only given here as 6-figure grid references (i.e. to the nearest 1km). 'Findspot' is the nationally accepted Site Type term used, not the type of find it is, and so you will need to search the Site Name for particular items.                  

Other HER resources

This includes:

Historic archives

This includes:

  • parish
  • registers
  • other church records
  • wills
  • electoral registers
  • maps and plans
  • poor law records
  • title deeds
  • photographs

Search the Cumbria Archive website