This page is dedicated to the Planning Inquiry at High Close Quarry, High Close Farm, Plumbland, Aspatria CA7 2HF.
The documents listed on this page will be updated as further appeal documents become available and maybe updated during the Inquiry. All application documents can be found under the Public Access webpage for planning application reference no 2/19/9010 Minerals, Waste and County Council Planning Applications | Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council.
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the non-determination by Cumberland Council of a Review an Old Mineral Permission (“ROMP”) application 2/19/9010, pursuant to Schedule 14 Environmental Act 1995.
The Inquiry will open on Tuesday 1st April 2025 and is estimated to run for two days. The location of the Inquiry is The Cathedral Room, Civic Centre, Rickergate, Carlisle CA3 8QG.
The Appeal is by Thomas Armstrong (Aggregates) Ltd regarding the non-determination of their application for:
The determination of new conditions under the Environment Act 1995 (as amended) for the dormant minerals planning permission Reference CA49 incorporating an area for plant, stockpiling and storage.
Core Document Library
The library of core documents relating to this appeal will constantly be updated.
Relevant appeal documents in relation to ROMP application 2/19/9010
(Fully compile with figures and plans, received on 10/3/2023)
(February 2023)
(Fully compile with figures and appendices)