Minerals and waste planning applications

Make a minerals and waste planning application if your development relates to quarries, mines, landfills and various other forms of waste in our area.

Make a minerals and waste planning application if your development relates to quarries, mines, landfills and various other forms of waste development in our area.

We handle planning applications for all mineral and waste management related development (including wastewater infrastructure) in our area outside of the National Park.

You should contact the Lake District National Park Authority planning team if your development is in the Lake District National Park.

Find and comment on minerals and waste planning applications

Before you apply

You can request pre-planning advice, which can speed up the planning process, advise if an application is likely to be approved or not, and highlight any potential issues.

This is a paid for service.

We will:

  • research the history of the site
  • where necessary undertake an unaccompanied site visit
  • consult with key consultees where appropriate
  • identify and assess the prospective application against the council's and national policies and standards
  • arrange to attend a meeting with you where appropriate
  • provide a detailed written response without prejudice
  • comment on the planning merits, possible areas for improvement and identify proposals that are unlikely to be supported
  • identify, validation and consultee requirements
  • establish timescales and explain the planning processes

We won't provide:

  • binding opinions or opinions on lawfulness
  • a formal planning decision or guarantees that an application will be valid or approved
  • detailed technical advice or design the proposal for you
  • an opinion that is future-proofed against policy changes
  • A request for pre-application advice must be made on the application form below.

How to make a request for pre-application advice

Make an application

For waste management proposals and for some types of application related to mineral extraction, you can make an application online through the Planning Portal.

You'll need to register with the Planning Portal, they charge for their services. You can also email an application form to us.

If your new development involves opening up a new mineral extraction site, extending an existing one or installing new mineral processing infrastructure you can't apply using the Planning Portal - you will need to make an application by email using these forms:

Check the Local Validation List (PDF 501KB) that sets out the information that is required to support planning applications.

Email: MWPlanning@cumberland.gov.uk

Contact us for guidance notes.

If the development you are proposing is on some one else's land, then it is up to you to let them know by sending them a notice.

After you've applied

Applications are received and we check that we have everything we need to assess the application including the correct fee, once this is completed and the Officer is satisfied that all the necessary information has been received the application will be validated and published on our website. 

If necessary we will get in touch with you or your agent if we need more information during the planning application process.

All applications are published on our website once they are valid.

Read more about the application process