West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) Planning Inquiry

Documents relating to the West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) Public Inquiry which began on 7 September 2021. 

West Cumbria Mining Planning Application 4/17/9007

The public inquiry came as a result of the Secretary of States decision to 'call-in' the application. 

The documents in relation to the application before to the 'call-in' can be found in the County Council's online planning application register.

High Court's decision - September 2024

High Court Judgement - 13 September 2024 (PDF 428 KB)

Secretary of State's decision - December 2022

Decision letter from Secretary of State including Planning Inspectorate Report (PDF 2.8MB)

Section 106 Agreement West Cumbria Mining Engrossed (no PI) (PDF 4.8MB)


West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) planning inquiry documents

The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 Compliance Statement - documents

Title Date Document size

Appendix 1 Travel Plan Costs

30/07/2021 381k

Appendix 2 West coast Mining costs CIL Statement - Footpath

30/07/2021 42k

1 - Draft CIL Compliance Statement

30/07/2021 298k

Draft S106 Agreement

2/08/2021 1104k

S106 Plan 1

2/08/2021 2146k

Schedule 5 S106 Plan 1 Revised

10/08/2021 3565k

Schedule 5 S106 Plan 2 revised

10/08/2021 403k

Schedule 5 S106 Plan 3

10/08/2021 5177k

Schedule 5 S106 Plan 4

10/08/2021 288k

Schedule 5 S106 Plan 5

10/08/2021 281k

Schedule 6 Plan Additional Main Band Colliery Land

10/08/2021 2708k

Appendix 1 Location Plan Mirehouse Road Whitehaven Highways CIL

11/08/2021 546k

Appendix 1 Planning Obligations Policy Transport

11/08/2021 2304k

Appendix 2 West coast Mining costs CIL Statement Footpath

11/08/2021 38k

CIL appendices

11/08/2021 461k

Draft CIL Compliance Statement v5

11/08/2021 362k

WCM 106 Plan 3 12 December 2019

13/08/2021 5177k

WCM S106 Plan 2 10 6 20

13/08/2021 403k

WCM S106 Titles

13/08/2021 17415k

S106 Plan 1 Rev 7 23 July 2021

13/08/2021 2146k

WCM 106 Plan 5 12 December 2019

13/08/2021 281k

3271069 Inspector Note

13/08/2021 57k

3267168 Pre conference note

13/08/2021 62k

CMC Summary Note Directions

13/08/2021 81k

Agreed S106 for Webpage

13/08/2021 806k

WCM and CCC Statement of Common Ground Matters Agreed

13/08/2021 7398k

Plan 4 Revised 20 12 19

13/08/2021 288k

Schedule 6 Plans 13 12 19

13/08/2021 2708k

CD15 Statements of Case

17/08/2021 17504k

FOE Proofs of Evidence

17/08/2021 17504k

SLACC Proof of Evidence

18/08/2021 17504k

West Cumbria Mining Proof of Evidence

18/08/2021 17504k

CD1 Index

19/08/2021 134k

CD6 Relevant Appeal Decisions and Call Ins

19/08/2021 5570k

CD7 Relevant Judgments

19/08/2021 4356k

CD3 Objections Support

19/08/2021 8910k

CD2 Additional Amended Reports and or Plans Submit Duplicates Removed

19/08/2021 5938k

CD2 Additional Amended Reports and or Plans Submit Full Bundle

19/08/2021 5938k

CD4 Committee Report

19/08/2021 5938k

CD1 Application Drawings

19/08/2021 5938k

CD1 Application Documents

19/08/2021 5938k

CD14 Miscellaneous

24/08/2021 2694k

CD12 Heritage

24/08/2021 179k

CD11 Ecology

24/08/2021 8981k

CD5 Planning Policy and Legislation

24/08/2021 27053k

CD8 Climate Change

25/08/2021 134k

CD9 Change

25/08/2021 134k

Draft List of Core Documents 24th August 2021

26/08/2021 570k

FOE Rebuttal Proofs of Evidence.

2/09/2021 5607k

SLACC Rebuttal Proofs of Evidence

2/09/2021 7560k

WCM Rebuttal Proofs of Evidence

2/09/2021 9739k

L Environmental Services Reg 22 Cumulative Impacts final 04.08.2021

6/09/2021 109k

L Environmental Services Reg 22 Onshore Mining Area final 04.08.2021

6/09/2021 2107k

L Environmental Services Reg 22 Reptile Mitigation DRAFT

6/09/2021 144k

PINS Reg 22 Respone

6/09/2021 772k

Reg 22 Attachment A Addendum Transport Assessment

6/09/2021 6560k

Reg 22 Attachment B Operational Vibration Assessment

6/09/2021 844k

Reg 22 Attachment C Appendix 1 Statement on Met Coal and Steel Markets

6/09/2021 304k

Reg 22 Attachment C Appendix 2 GHG Assessment

6/09/2021 1438k

Reg 22 Attachment C Appendix 3 Steel and Met Coal Expert Report by Wood Mackenzie

6/09/2021 1349k

Reg 22 Attachment C Revised Chapter 19 2

6/09/2021 229k

Reg 22 Attachment D Reptile method statement

6/09/2021 17176k

Reg 22 Attachment E Ecology

6/09/2021 5474k

Reg 22 Attachment E part 2 Biodiversity Net Gain

6/09/2021 834k

Reg 22 Attachment F NonTechnical Summary

6/09/2021 3496k

Reg 22 Attachment G part 1 Hydrogeological Scenarios

6/09/2021 2103k

Reg 22 Attachment G part 2 Contractor Capability

6/09/2021 961k

Reg 22 Attachment G part 3.1 Pipejacking design statement

7/09/2021 2311k

Reg 22 Attachment G part 3.2 WCM Pipejacking Methodology

7/09/2021 3328k

Reg 22 Attachment G part 4 Ecology Assessment

7/09/2021 133k

REG 22 ATTACHMENT H Historic Environment Addendum

7/09/2021 1411k

WCM CL 2 Ecolyse Greenhouse Gas Assessment

7/09/2021 1434k

Reg 22 Attachment E part 1 Ecology Update report

7/09/2021 3103k

Conditions Schedule v20

7/09/2021 59k

WCM Coking Coal MB Specification Sheet 201913639

7/09/2021 140k

Counsels Opening Statement for Cumbria County Council

7/09/2021 22k

SLACCs Opening Statement 07.09.21 for delivery

7/09/2021 226k

WCM List of Appearances

7/09/2021 40k

WCM Opening 07.09.21

7/09/2021 497k

Whitehaven Friends of the Earth Opening Statement 07.09.21

7/09/2021 255k

Rebuttal Proof of Evidence of Derik Broekhoff on behalf of FOE

9/09/2021 10623k

1. WCM Factsheet Apprenticeships

9/09/2021 2079k

2. WCM Factsheet Education R3

9/09/2021 2832k

3. WCM Factsheet Employment R50119

9/09/2021 2169k

4. WCM Factsheet Undergroundteams R2

9/09/2021 3104k

5. WCM Factsheet Working underground.

9/09/2021 3648k

6. WCM Project Facts Part 1

9/09/2021 279k

7. WCM Project Facts Part 2

9/09/2021 180k

8. WCM Project Facts Part 3

9/09/2021 211k

SLACC RD 1S Diski Summary Proof

9/09/2021 142k

WCM Project Update January 2020

9/09/2021 8571k

210909 Re WCM ES Chapter 7

10/09/2021 49k

Ekins Climate Rebuttal PE4 and Appendix 10.09.21

13/09/2021 1444k

FOE JB3 Rebuttal Proof of Evidence of John Barrett Climate Change

13/09/2021 241k


13/09/2021 122k


13/09/2021 1511k


13/09/2021 103k


13/09/2021 375k


13/09/2021 117k


13/09/2021 137k


13/09/2021 312k


13/09/2021 241k

Grubb Rebuttal MG3 and Appendix 10.09.21

13/09/2021 2706k

Watsons Rebuttal BW3 and Appendix 10.09.21

13/09/2021 812k

Character and appearance RTS Agenda

16/09/2021 39k

Additional Inquiry Document Full Bundle Webpage

17/09/2021 134k

Inquiry Programme 23.9.21

23/09/2021 24k

Agreed S106 22.09.2021 website comparite

27/09/2021 1010k

Agreed S106 22.09.2021 website comparite

28/09/2021 1010k

CD16 Regultion 22 Response

28/09/2021 21993k

Updated Draft List of Core Documents 24.09.2021

28/09/2021 77k

Reg 22 Site Notice 09.09.2021

30/09/2021 1889k

Pipejacking Cross-sections

1/10/2021 85k

869 AC 001 E

1/10/2021 1106k

869 AC 002 F

1/10/2021 1393k

869 AC 003 B

1/10/2021 1316k

869 AC 006 A

1/10/2021 563k

869 AC 008 A

1/10/2021 908k

869 AC 009 A

1/10/2021 947k

869 AC 010 A

1/10/2021 51k

869 AC 011 A

1/10/2021 49k

869 AM 001 C

1/10/2021 336k

869 AM 002 F

1/10/2021 576k

869 AM 003 C

1/10/2021 383k

869 AM 004 D

1/10/2021 555k

869 AM 005 C

1/10/2021 445k

869 AM 006 D

1/10/2021 436k

869 AM 007 C

1/10/2021 2385k

869 AM 008 C

1/10/2021 325k

869 AM 010 A

1/10/2021 749k

869 AM 011 A

1/10/2021 816k

869 AM 012 A

1/10/2021 986k

869 AM 013 A

1/10/2021 773k

869 AM 015 A

1/10/2021 923k

869 AM 017 A

1/10/2021 794k

869 AM 019 A

1/10/2021 848k

869 AM 021 A

1/10/2021 941k

869 AM 025 A

1/10/2021 811k

869 AM 027 E

1/10/2021 347k

869 AM 028 C

1/10/2021 320k

869 AM 029 D

1/10/2021 336k

869 AM 030 C

1/10/2021 330k

869 AM 031 C

1/10/2021 327k

869 AM 032 C

1/10/2021 319k

869 AM 033 A

1/10/2021 796k

869 AM 034 A

1/10/2021 743k

869 AM 038 A

1/10/2021 492k

869 AM 040 C

1/10/2021 621k

869 AM 042 E

1/10/2021 4318k

869 AM 201 B

1/10/2021 369k

869 AO 001 D

1/10/2021 1195k

869 AO 002 D

1/10/2021 1331k

869 AO 003 D

1/10/2021 1286k

869 AO 004 D

1/10/2021 1287k

869 AP 001 F

1/10/2021 1620k

869 AP 002 D

1/10/2021 1490k

869 AR 001 C

1/10/2021 1799k

869 AR 002 C

1/10/2021 599k

869 AR 003 B

1/10/2021 866k

869 AR 006 B

1/10/2021 292k

869 AR 007 C

1/10/2021 720k

869 AR 008 A

1/10/2021 643k

869 AR 009 A

1/10/2021 1045k

869 AR 011 A

1/10/2021 656k

869 AR 012 C

1/10/2021 1515k

869 AR 013 G

1/10/2021 1835k

869 AR 014 I

1/10/2021 1806k

869 AR 015 A

1/10/2021 1807k

869 AR 016 A

1/10/2021 1752k

WCM Document Index September 2021 2

1/10/2021 64k

869 AM 041 H incorrectly named I

1/10/2021 2536k

869 AM 023 A

1/10/2021 556k

01 - Final S106 Agreement

19/10/2021 1039k

Aditional Inquiry Documents website only 17.11.21

17/11/2021 85k

Updated List of Core Document 06.01.2022

7/01/2022 77k

Updated Index for CD1

7/01/2022 135k

Exported CD1 Bundle - Document CD146

7/01/2022 3455k

Updated CD1 Bundle - Part 2 (Page 56-1779)

7/01/2022 94921k

Updated CD1 Bundle - Part 1 (page 1 - 55)

11/01/2022 27975k

Updated CD1 Bundle - Part 3 (Pages 1780 - 4284)

11/01/2022 70963k

Update from Inspectorate regarding date for decision from SOS

7/04/2022 34k

Documents submitted after the close of the Inquiry at the request of the Inspector